
Listen to the Podcast

Do you like real-life stories? On my podcast, I chat about things that happen to me every day and share my thoughts about them. It’s like opening a window into different ways to see the world. Each episode is short, only about 15 minutes, but it’ll give you loads of cool stuff to think about for the whole day. So, if you’re into exploring new ideas and hearing real experiences, this is the perfect listen for you!

tim edmunds recording bioresilience podcast


My Job Sucks….Good! | Episode 33
"My job sucks, I hate it, I hate doing what I'm doing, how awesome is...
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Observational Problem Solving | Episode 32
I listened to a really cool podcast by Jim Kwik the brain coach and his...
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How I Use Carbohydrates | Episode 31
For me, Carb Cycling worked extremely well. A few days of restricting/limiting carbohydrates followed by...
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Get busier and Have More Time! | Episode 30
Too busy to exercise? Too busy to start a new business? Too busy to spend...
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Establishing a Foundation for Gains | Episode 29
Life hacks, tips, best kept secrets and even supplements can show improvements to your life,...
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You are breathing incorrectly…and how to fix it! | Episode 28
The start to a more relaxing and pain free life is to start breathing properly......all...
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Resilience and The Nervous System | Episode 27
How do you condition your body to make the behavioral changes that you're looking for?...
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My Take on TRT | Episode 26
TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy may be the best thing since sliced bread but I'm not...
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Resilience and The Nervous System | Episode 27
How do you condition your body to make the behavioral changes that you're looking for? Knowing you want the change is a good start, but the nervous system needs to...
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My Take on TRT | Episode 26
TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy may be the best thing since sliced bread but I'm not 100% sold on it. Where it may be the only option for some, I truly...
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6 Steps to Change | Episode 25
When you need to adopt a new daily activity in order to reach a goal or change a behavior it can be challenging. I found 6 Steps to Change done...
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Be Activated & Nervous System Conditioning | Episode 24
In this episode, I run through a refresher on what Be Activated is and how over the long term can provide gradual benefits to multiple areas of the body and...
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Blisters to Calluses | Episode 23
Training for the 4x4x48 I ran into a case of blisters a few weeks before the event. Instead of taking time off to let them heal, I proceeded to continue...
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Polyvagal Theory | Episode 22
I started a new book because of my fascination with the Vagus Nerve. The Polyvagal Theory. I'm about 2 chapters in and there are things related to the Vagus Nerve...
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Make it Open Gym | Episode 21
I think there should be movement and sensory input provided prior to any melt downs or sensory overload experiences. Have a listen and let me know what you think!
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You already have the answer | Episode 20
All the advice in the world won't help you hit your goals. Odds are you know or have heard the answer already, you just aren't actioning or being consistent toward...
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Do you have the threshold of a mouse? | Episode 19
Experiment from the 1950's proves we throw in the towel entirely too early, even in the most dire situations. Are hope and faith actually a useful tool to help us...
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couple making coffee and checking their phone
Building a Self-Regulation Routine
Building a Self-Regulation Routine: My Journey to Mindfulness and Resilience  Introduction: In today's fast-paced world,...
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relaxing meditation at sunset lotus pose
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques: Building Resilience & Returning to Homeostasis The human body is an exceptional...
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neuro lymphatic system
Unlocking the Power of Self-Regulation
Unlocking the Power of Self-Regulation through Neuro-Lymphatic Body Work In an era where quick-fix solutions...
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airport security bag check scanner
The Lovely TSA
I would say 90% of my negative human interactions come at the airport. Specifically with...
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