tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Avoiding Pain – A Point of Focus | Episode 81
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
The Game That Taught Us a Lesson: A Story of Motivation and Preparation
Last night, my son had a baseball game. Usually, he's one of the strongest players on the team, but something was different this time. He wasn't playing like himself. Every...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Leaving it all on the Canvas | Episode 80
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
Understanding Structural Integrity for Optimal Health and Resilience
The human body is a remarkable system of interconnected parts that work in harmony to maintain health and wellness. However, when this harmony is disrupted by factors such as trauma...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Knowing Where To Be | Episode 79
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
CBD, I Found One That Worked | Episode 78
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
Creating Harmony in the Home: Embracing Change Within
In our quest for peaceful and harmonious relationships, especially within the family, it's common to encounter advice centered around changing others. A recent discussion in my men's group highlighted this,...
The Ketosis Experience: A Personal Journey
Disclaimer: Before diving into my personal journey with ketosis, I want to clarify that this blog does not promote the keto diet nor does it claim the diet is safe or...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Be Aware of What You Consume….and How You Feel | Episode 76
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
woman looking at computer
Navigating Screen Time for Better Emotional and Biological Health
As we delve into the digital era, the impact of screen time on our well-being has become a topic of much discussion. While it's nearly impossible to avoid screens in...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Never Go to Bed Angry | Episode 76
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
Top 5 Forms of Communication in the Digital Age
In today's digital era, we are presented with a multitude of communication channels, each with its own distinct advantages and limitations. To help you navigate the diverse landscape of communication...
What a PLAN can do for you | Episode 75
Recently I found, a simple plan, even if its the wrong plan helps give form and purpose to activity. Activity without form and purpose can cause worry, fear, anxiety, stress...
stone art beach sunset relaxing
The Power of Internal Alignment
The Power of Internal Alignment: Creating Your Ideal External Environment Have you ever wondered why some people constantly seek change, whether it's moving to a new place, switching jobs, or...
husband and wife having a serious conversation in living room
Relationships: Not a Two-Way Street, but a One Way Bridge
Building strong and happy relationships Relationships are a fascinating and complex aspect of human interaction. At their core, they require two individuals to align their goals and intentions. Initially, in...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Staying Cool Under HIGH Pressure | Episode 72
Staying cool under pressure is definitely a skill that can and should be developed. Bringing unneeded emotions into a situation usually distracts from executing the plan and can really make...
man exercising elliptical in gym
Just an Hour Away from a Clear Mind
Waking up one morning, I felt a familiar sense of dread at the thought of my workout. Recently, my performance doctor had supported a new program aimed at enhancing my...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Clear Your Mind in One Hour | Episode 71
In this podcast, we explore the transformative power of Zone 2 training, a method involving over an hour of cardiovascular work at a moderate intensity. I share a personal story...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Power of the Community | Episode 70
"The Power of the Community" lies not just in the collective strength of its members, but in the profound impact of shared experiences and mutual support.
car driving on snowy road
​Embracing Bad Weather: How Ohio Taught Me to Build Resilience
As I drove to my office this morning, 37 degrees, surrounded by the sounds of rain pattering against the window and a gray sky overhead, I can't help but reflect...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
High Achieving Output and Health Implications | Episode 69
In our fast-paced world, we often find ourselves in pursuit of instant gratification and quick success. We set ambitious goals for the short term, expecting to see remarkable results within...
stressed out doctor with brain scan
Breaking the Cycle
Escaping the Curse of the Overachiever Here in America we go big or go home so it's not uncommon to find individuals who identify as overachievers. These driven souls possess an...
financial interest illustration
The Power of Consistency:
The Power of Consistency: Expediting Success vs. Compounding Interest In our fast-paced world, we often find ourselves in pursuit of instant gratification and quick success. We set ambitious goals for...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Terrain Theory Documentary | Episode 67
If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ve gotta check out Terrain, a documentary on Prime. Terrain challenges our understanding of “getting sick” and “staying healthy”. Now I don’t know how...
running outside in city with headphones
The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors: Unleash the Physical Benefits of Outdoor Workouts When it comes to fitness, there's something truly special about taking your workout outside. Outdoor exercise offers a range of...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
5 Communication Methods | Episode 66
From Text to Face-to-FaceIn today's digital age, we have a plethora of communication methods at our fingertips. Let’s dive into a ranking of the top 5 forms of communication, starting...
man taking a deep breath outside
Breath Work and Its Benefits
Breathwork, the practice of using controlled breathing techniques and patterns, has been an integral part of ancient cultures and traditions around the world for centuries. From the yogic pranayama in...
graphic of human lymphatic system
The Underappreciated Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system, often underappreciated, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and functionality of the human body. At its core, the lymphatic system acts as a cornerstone of...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Alcohol IS holding you back | Episode 65
Regular alcohol consumption, even if it's just a drink a day or occasional weekend indulgence, can have profound effects on our well-being. It's not just about the quantity, but the...
overworked business woman at messy desk
Understanding Burnout: Signs, Prevention, and Recovery
Understanding Burnout: Signs, Prevention, and Recovery  Burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion. It's a complex issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their neurotype. In this...
couple making coffee and checking their phone
Building a Self-Regulation Routine
Building a Self-Regulation Routine: My Journey to Mindfulness and Resilience  Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose touch with ourselves. Incorporating self-regulation techniques into our...
relaxing meditation at sunset lotus pose
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques: Building Resilience & Returning to Homeostasis The human body is an exceptional system, capable of performing extraordinary feats of resilience. However, it can also easily be thrown...
Unlocking the Power of Self-Regulation
Unlocking the Power of Self-Regulation through Neuro-Lymphatic Body Work In an era where quick-fix solutions often rule the roost, the journey towards wellness can be fraught with one-size-fits-all approaches. However,...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Going with the grain….not against it! | Episode 57
Being in sales for over 2 decades I've been able to see two different philosophies as it relates to selling. One strategy is to get out there and sell, don't...
airport security bag check scanner
The Lovely TSA
I would say 90% of my negative human interactions come at the airport. Specifically with TSA agents. I mean, honestly it feels like they have it out for me. Now,...
guy sitting outside on rooftop
What is a REAL Problem?
I’m fortunate enough to have many very supportive and influential people in my life. One bit of advice I received a while ago came from a very close family member,...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Exercise for Regulation | Episode 53
Once I stopped exercising for strength, endurance and physique goals is when I started hitting my strength, endurance and physique goals. It's true. Once I started focusing on hitting my...
woman reading a book on a cozy bed
Energy Generators vs Energy Consumers
We all have things in our day that are either energy generators or energy consumers. Normally if we feel overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, angry, triggered, depressed (any other word that describes...
Join The Resistance!
I was watching the new Star Wars series Andor on Disney plus the other day. At one point in the episode, it dawned on me that all of the Star...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Forced Corrections and The Consequences | Episode 51
In the book "The 80/20 Rule" they discuss the effects of forced correction on running economy. They thought that by correcting the running mechanics they'd be able to improve a...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Self Regulation is Your Key to Everything | Episode 50
I hate to pat myself on the back, but I have to for this one. This podcast was definitely one of my best :). A simple, straight forward break down...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
The Black Swan Event | Episode 48
I recently discovered an amazing app. For anyone looking to get serious about a dopamine detox and limiting social media, you have to check out the app Imprint. It's absolutely...
man standing on solar panels looking out on city
You’re Welcome. Signed – Your Future Self.
|, ,
This is a far-out concept so bear with me. It’s far-out simply because we see our world as natural cause and effect. If I do this, I’ll get that or...
boot camp military climbing monkey bars
Life’s Training Ground, Real World Boot Camp
Life is a culmination of experiences. If you're reading this, no matter how bad any of those experiences were, you are still alive...you survived. Some of those experiences may have...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Limitless with Chris Hemsworth…. | Episode 45
Finally, a show on resilience!! Thor is merely a mortal without his hammer Mjolnir... Ok, I'm a marvel nerd. Anyway, you've got to see this new series on Disney+ called...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Results based testing misses most of the benefits… | Episode 44
"You can't control the output, but you can always control the input". I loved hearing this quote from a sales guy doing a presentation on why he didn't hit his...
three men at gym lifting free weights
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Despite being a regular gym goer, I always notice something interesting when I try out a new gym or someone new (who is also clearly a lifter) starts at my...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Authenticity, People Can Always Tell | Episode 39
Through my business ventures I've seen success and failure. Failure usually came as a result of not being authentic. Even with the best systems in place, customers can see through...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Be OK With Discomfort | Episode 36
I'm a 100% pleasure seeker. I will literally build complex systems in order to make life more comfortable. The problem is, by avoiding discomfort I reject an opportunity for growth....
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
My Job Sucks….Good! | Episode 33
"My job sucks, I hate it, I hate doing what I'm doing, how awesome is this?!?" With this perspective you can make yourself invincible to discomfort. Find out how to...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Get busier and Have More Time! | Episode 30
Too busy to exercise? Too busy to start a new business? Too busy to spend time with your family? It's time to build more capacity! How do we do it?...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Establishing a Foundation for Gains | Episode 29
Life hacks, tips, best kept secrets and even supplements can show improvements to your life, but probably not to the level of your expectation. Without a strong foundation will any...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
You are breathing incorrectly…and how to fix it! | Episode 28
The start to a more relaxing and pain free life is to start breathing properly......all of the time. In this episode we'll discuss why and how you're breathing incorrectly. Techniques...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
My Take on TRT | Episode 26
TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy may be the best thing since sliced bread but I'm not 100% sold on it. Where it may be the only option for some, I truly...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
6 Steps to Change | Episode 25
When you need to adopt a new daily activity in order to reach a goal or change a behavior it can be challenging. I found 6 Steps to Change done...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Blisters to Calluses | Episode 23
Training for the 4x4x48 I ran into a case of blisters a few weeks before the event. Instead of taking time off to let them heal, I proceeded to continue...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Make it Open Gym | Episode 21
I think there should be movement and sensory input provided prior to any melt downs or sensory overload experiences. Have a listen and let me know what you think!
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
You already have the answer | Episode 20
All the advice in the world won't help you hit your goals. Odds are you know or have heard the answer already, you just aren't actioning or being consistent toward...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Do you have the threshold of a mouse? | Episode 19
Experiment from the 1950's proves we throw in the towel entirely too early, even in the most dire situations. Are hope and faith actually a useful tool to help us...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Could there be more? ADHD and Autism | Episode 18
A significant percentage of the Autistic Community also have an ADHD diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with stand alone ADHD, could it be possible you're also Autistic? Listen in...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
I told you so | Episode 15
When you get it right, saying "I told you so" gives you no allies moving forward. Being right is great, but gloating with the win will never get the person...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Speak to the level of your audience | Episode 14
As experts we take for granted performing our trade regularly every day. It's critical to treat your clients as if they aren't experts and be as thorough as possible with...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Lessons From Moose | Episode 11
Having to say goodbye to the family dog was incredibly difficult. Here's a quick story about a greatly loved dog that gave more than he received. "Dogs need families like...
Can’t Hurt Me….Either | Episode 10
Of all the books I've ready, I've honestly found recently that David Goggins, Can't Hurt Me Audiobook has been one of the most transformative messages I've received. The idea of...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Vetting Your Own BS | Episode 9
Our nature is engrained with methods to lie to ourselves to resist change and discomfort. What if these lies we tell ourself is a form of self sabotage from reaching...
medical professional checking a mans knee for pain
Pain Relief vs Pain Tolerance
If you’re like me, at the first instance of discomfort, you’re immediately searching for a solution to resolve the pain. If it’s a muscle ache, soreness or tightness at my...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Lions and Sheep | Episode 4
Here's a quick story about a thought I had at the gym after seeing a "Lions not Sheep" shirt. I may be over thinking it or completely missing the point,...
athlete and trainer climbing rope at gym
Inclusion; All Or Nothing
I’m 100% on board for the inclusion movement. I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of inclusion on how it raises those that are struggling and builds the ability to empathize in...
person standing on mountain top with arms outstretched
​Grateful vs Unsatisfied
I’m always looking for ways to hack the system of reality, hahaha! I can’t help it; I’m always looking to be able to replicate things that work and discard things...
plant sprout
Environmental Influences
For about a month now it has felt like my body has been progressively deteriorating. I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but I have a theory. I’m experiencing chronic pain...
Transition from Victim to the Creator
Throughout life when addressing problems, you can really only take two positions. You can either be the victim and blame others, your environment or your circumstances or you can be...
Get Rich Slow
Last week, I saw a Facebook friend (that I barely know) pumping their pyramid scheme company. I can’t remember if they were hawking essential oils or overpriced vitamins, but they...
man stretching outside before workout
What Answer Satisfies You?
Just recently I’ve heard two personal stories about physician diagnosis and prognosis that missed the mark. In these scenarios one was told a specific medicine would be required to be...
boxer punching through glass
Find Multiple Benefits to Make it Worth Your While!
There are certain things we love to do and there are certain things we despise doing. Understanding that we are driven by rewards can allow you to search deep for...
man running on the beach at sunrise
Lost the Motivation?
Looking for the results you want will take time. It is just the nature of the beast. It’s almost as if we were being tested to see if we REALLY...
man and woman enjoying outdoor run for cardio
What Are You Waiting For?
I have been putting off launching this new, improved, total exercise, fitness and nutrition site for months. Seven months to be exact. SEVEN!! What was I waiting for you may ask? Well,...
woman planning
Long Term Success, Overnight
A quick personal story. Over the past year I’ve been quite consistent with my workouts. Rarely missing a workout, hitting the gym 5-6 days per week, with the goal of...
two women doing pushups outside
Theories on Goal Setting
Theories on Goal Setting - System Hacks for Results I've been asking myself lately "why is it so difficult for people to lose weight?" Weight loss is a billion dollar...