tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
CBD, I Found One That Worked | Episode 78
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Be Aware of What You Consume….and How You Feel | Episode 76
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Never Go to Bed Angry | Episode 76
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
What a PLAN can do for you | Episode 75
Recently I found, a simple plan, even if its the wrong plan helps give form and purpose to activity. Activity without form and purpose can cause worry, fear, anxiety, stress...
stressed out doctor with brain scan
Breaking the Cycle
Escaping the Curse of the Overachiever Here in America we go big or go home so it's not uncommon to find individuals who identify as overachievers. These driven souls possess an...
man jumping rope on a lake dock
The Science Behind Exercise and Stress Relief
The Science Behind Exercise and Stress Relief: Finding the Right Balance In our fast-paced, high-stress world, we often hear that exercise is the antidote to stress. While this statement holds...
man taking a deep breath outside
Breath Work and Its Benefits
Breathwork, the practice of using controlled breathing techniques and patterns, has been an integral part of ancient cultures and traditions around the world for centuries. From the yogic pranayama in...
hands with a heart and heartbeat
The Power of HRV: Decoding the Language of Your Autonomic Nervous System
The Power of HRV: Decoding the Language of Your Autonomic Nervous System Heart Rate Variability, commonly known as HRV, has become a buzzword in the wellness and biohacking communities. But...
Burn Out and How it Effects You | Episode 62
In this enlightening session, we delve deep into the phenomenon of burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. We explore how burnout...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Embarking on Your Body Regulation Journey | Episode 60
Welcome to a transformative episode, where we delve into the essential first steps of regulating your body and fostering emotional well-being. Today, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and...
relaxing meditation at sunset lotus pose
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques
Mastering Self-Regulation Techniques: Building Resilience & Returning to Homeostasis The human body is an exceptional system, capable of performing extraordinary feats of resilience. However, it can also easily be thrown...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Solving Anxiety & Depression Through the Body | Episode 59
Welcome to our latest episode, Using the Body to Conquer Anxiety & Depression. We often think of anxiety and depression as problems of the mind, but what if we've been...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Full Sensory Deprivation Experience | Episode 56
I recently went for my second float tank experience. For me, after leaving, it feels like I've slept for a full day and work up completely calm, relaxed and full...
guy sitting outside on rooftop
What is a REAL Problem?
I’m fortunate enough to have many very supportive and influential people in my life. One bit of advice I received a while ago came from a very close family member,...
woman reading a book on a cozy bed
Energy Generators vs Energy Consumers
We all have things in our day that are either energy generators or energy consumers. Normally if we feel overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, angry, triggered, depressed (any other word that describes...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Self Regulation is Your Key to Everything | Episode 50
I hate to pat myself on the back, but I have to for this one. This podcast was definitely one of my best :). A simple, straight forward break down...
boot camp military climbing monkey bars
Life’s Training Ground, Real World Boot Camp
Life is a culmination of experiences. If you're reading this, no matter how bad any of those experiences were, you are still alive...you survived. Some of those experiences may have...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Co-Regulation – Nervous Systems Little Helper | Episode 40
Man, people need regulated. If you don't think so, just look around. Everyone needs help. The truth is, there's really nothing you can do directly to them to help, however,...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
ASMR – Weird But it Might Work | Episode 38
In this episode I chat a bit about ASMR and how I think it could potentially correlate to more nervous system toning. At first it will give you the willys...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
You are breathing incorrectly…and how to fix it! | Episode 28
The start to a more relaxing and pain free life is to start breathing properly......all of the time. In this episode we'll discuss why and how you're breathing incorrectly. Techniques...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
My Take on TRT | Episode 26
TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy may be the best thing since sliced bread but I'm not 100% sold on it. Where it may be the only option for some, I truly...
Get it out! | Episode 7
Keeping issues inside and not letting it out can cause internal stress and tension. Find ways to exhaust these internal stressors to alleviate issues.
plant sprout
Environmental Influences
For about a month now it has felt like my body has been progressively deteriorating. I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but I have a theory. I’m experiencing chronic pain...
man sitting against wall after outdoor run
Stress is Killing Your Gains
Stress is Killing Your Gains Don’t believe me? Check with science! They’ll tell you that cortisol, the hormone released during stressful periods, although helpful in small doses can actually cause...