tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Avoiding Pain – A Point of Focus | Episode 81
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
Understanding Structural Integrity for Optimal Health and Resilience
The human body is a remarkable system of interconnected parts that work in harmony to maintain health and wellness. However, when this harmony is disrupted by factors such as trauma...
The Ketosis Experience: A Personal Journey
Disclaimer: Before diving into my personal journey with ketosis, I want to clarify that this blog does not promote the keto diet nor does it claim the diet is safe or...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
New Year Weight Loss Journey | Episode 74
Why do people struggle losing weight or sticking to a new year plan? The answer isn't discipline, laziness or motivation. Why do people struggle losing weight or sticking to a...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Metabolic Health – Calories & Macros | Episode 73
On a recent visit with my doctor we took some metabolic tests to determine how I can optimize and recover quicker. Getting data on true BMR and proper macro requirements...
man exercising elliptical in gym
Just an Hour Away from a Clear Mind
Waking up one morning, I felt a familiar sense of dread at the thought of my workout. Recently, my performance doctor had supported a new program aimed at enhancing my...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Clear Your Mind in One Hour | Episode 71
In this podcast, we explore the transformative power of Zone 2 training, a method involving over an hour of cardiovascular work at a moderate intensity. I share a personal story...
man jumping rope on a lake dock
The Science Behind Exercise and Stress Relief
The Science Behind Exercise and Stress Relief: Finding the Right Balance In our fast-paced, high-stress world, we often hear that exercise is the antidote to stress. While this statement holds...
running outside in city with headphones
The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors: Unleash the Physical Benefits of Outdoor Workouts When it comes to fitness, there's something truly special about taking your workout outside. Outdoor exercise offers a range of...
man taking a deep breath outside
Breath Work and Its Benefits
Breathwork, the practice of using controlled breathing techniques and patterns, has been an integral part of ancient cultures and traditions around the world for centuries. From the yogic pranayama in...
couple making coffee and checking their phone
Building a Self-Regulation Routine
Building a Self-Regulation Routine: My Journey to Mindfulness and Resilience  Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose touch with ourselves. Incorporating self-regulation techniques into our...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Solving Anxiety & Depression Through the Body | Episode 59
Welcome to our latest episode, Using the Body to Conquer Anxiety & Depression. We often think of anxiety and depression as problems of the mind, but what if we've been...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Exercise for Regulation | Episode 53
Once I stopped exercising for strength, endurance and physique goals is when I started hitting my strength, endurance and physique goals. It's true. Once I started focusing on hitting my...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
You’re Not Getting Enough Input | Episode 52
Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Angry? Disruptive? Odds are you are not giving your body everything it needs. Those types of emotions are the ways the body communicates with you to let you...
Built-In Self Optimizer, You have one!
When things don’t go right, we are quick to correct. I’m reading a book called 80/20 Running and there was a section about running form and technique. While it was...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
How I Relieved Pain & Improved My Running | Episode 47
How I fixed my knee pain, shin splints and metatarsal neuroma and improved my running Without getting much relief from seeing a podiatrist I had to find my own answers...
woman cold plunge icy lake
Home Made Cold Exposure Tub – 6 Easy Steps
Home Made Ice Bath I’ve heard all of the benefit of the ice plunge for about a year. The thought of getting into a bath with ice sounded so painful...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Heart Rate Training Zones | Episode 46
… These work, why didn't anyone tell me? I'm a savage. When I run, I run at a pace as fast as I can to finish as quickly as possible....
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
The Best Exercise to Build Muscle | Episode 41
Magazines back in the day sold thousands of copies with headline covers like "The Only Exercise You'll Need to Build Your Ideal Physique". It looks like we are still searching...
three men at gym lifting free weights
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Despite being a regular gym goer, I always notice something interesting when I try out a new gym or someone new (who is also clearly a lifter) starts at my...
woman on an outside run drinking water
Can Drinking Water Make You Lean?
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The answer to this question isn’t easy, but when you use water as a tool for weight loss, fat metabolism and digestion it certainly does work. Rid your body of...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
What I Learned – Columbus Marathon Recap 2022 | Episode 37
It's hard to be disappointed after completing a 26.2 mile race but I managed to pull it off. Despite perfect conditions and seemingly fully prepared I missed my goal by...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Blisters to Calluses | Episode 23
Training for the 4x4x48 I ran into a case of blisters a few weeks before the event. Instead of taking time off to let them heal, I proceeded to continue...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
4x4x48 Challenge Recap | Episode 16
Just completed my first David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge. My body held up incredibly thanks to a few tricks that I implemented this year. Listen in, I'll run through the complete...
medical professional checking a mans knee for pain
Pain Relief vs Pain Tolerance
If you’re like me, at the first instance of discomfort, you’re immediately searching for a solution to resolve the pain. If it’s a muscle ache, soreness or tightness at my...
man using massage device on arm
Never Underestimate The Body
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It’s become clear with agreed forced “health care” that at least half of the people in the world undermine the body’s capabilities. In the circles of trainers, therapists, athletes and...
Transition from Victim to the Creator
Throughout life when addressing problems, you can really only take two positions. You can either be the victim and blame others, your environment or your circumstances or you can be...
man and woman doing squat workout
BeActivated – Muscle Activation Method
Stress comes in two forms. Emotional Stress when we are affected by the environment then turning it into chemistry (hormones) in the body and Physical Stress when we are affected by the environment in...
man sitting against wall after outdoor run
Stress is Killing Your Gains
Stress is Killing Your Gains Don’t believe me? Check with science! They’ll tell you that cortisol, the hormone released during stressful periods, although helpful in small doses can actually cause...
boxer punching through glass
Find Multiple Benefits to Make it Worth Your While!
There are certain things we love to do and there are certain things we despise doing. Understanding that we are driven by rewards can allow you to search deep for...
man running on the beach at sunrise
Lost the Motivation?
Looking for the results you want will take time. It is just the nature of the beast. It’s almost as if we were being tested to see if we REALLY...
woman planning
Long Term Success, Overnight
A quick personal story. Over the past year I’ve been quite consistent with my workouts. Rarely missing a workout, hitting the gym 5-6 days per week, with the goal of...
two women doing pushups outside
Theories on Goal Setting
Theories on Goal Setting - System Hacks for Results I've been asking myself lately "why is it so difficult for people to lose weight?" Weight loss is a billion dollar...