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Do you like real-life stories? On my podcast, I chat about things that happen to me every day and share my thoughts about them. It’s like opening a window into different ways to see the world. Each episode is short, only about 15 minutes, but it’ll give you loads of cool stuff to think about for the whole day. So, if you’re into exploring new ideas and hearing real experiences, this is the perfect listen for you!

tim edmunds recording bioresilience podcast


Conditioned Compliance or Meeting the Body’s Needs | Episode 49
ABA is forced conditioned behavior compliance that uses, what they call "play", to correct what...
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The Black Swan Event | Episode 48
I recently discovered an amazing app. For anyone looking to get serious about a dopamine...
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How I Relieved Pain & Improved My Running | Episode 47
How I fixed my knee pain, shin splints and metatarsal neuroma and improved my running...
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Heart Rate Training Zones | Episode 46
… These work, why didn't anyone tell me? I'm a savage. When I run, I...
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Limitless with Chris Hemsworth…. | Episode 45
Finally, a show on resilience!! Thor is merely a mortal without his hammer Mjolnir... Ok,...
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Results based testing misses most of the benefits… | Episode 44
"You can't control the output, but you can always control the input". I loved hearing...
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Anti-Depressants, My Personal Fight | Episode 43
It typically takes me to get burnt twice before I learn not to touch a...
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David Goggins Psoas… Resetting the System | Episode 42
I'm on another David Goggins kick. His content, story and delivery, to me is extremely...
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Limitless with Chris Hemsworth…. | Episode 45
Finally, a show on resilience!! Thor is merely a mortal without his hammer Mjolnir... Ok, I'm a marvel nerd. Anyway, you've got to see this new series on Disney+ called...
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Results based testing misses most of the benefits… | Episode 44
"You can't control the output, but you can always control the input". I loved hearing this quote from a sales guy doing a presentation on why he didn't hit his...
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Anti-Depressants, My Personal Fight | Episode 43
It typically takes me to get burnt twice before I learn not to touch a hot stove. In this episode I run through my personal journey of coming off anti...
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David Goggins Psoas… Resetting the System | Episode 42
I'm on another David Goggins kick. His content, story and delivery, to me is extremely motivational. Whenever I listen, I see all of the life I'm leaving on the table......
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The Best Exercise to Build Muscle | Episode 41
Magazines back in the day sold thousands of copies with headline covers like "The Only Exercise You'll Need to Build Your Ideal Physique". It looks like we are still searching...
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Co-Regulation – Nervous Systems Little Helper | Episode 40
Man, people need regulated. If you don't think so, just look around. Everyone needs help. The truth is, there's really nothing you can do directly to them to help, however,...
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Authenticity, People Can Always Tell | Episode 39
Through my business ventures I've seen success and failure. Failure usually came as a result of not being authentic. Even with the best systems in place, customers can see through...
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ASMR – Weird But it Might Work | Episode 38
In this episode I chat a bit about ASMR and how I think it could potentially correlate to more nervous system toning. At first it will give you the willys...
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What I Learned – Columbus Marathon Recap 2022 | Episode 37
It's hard to be disappointed after completing a 26.2 mile race but I managed to pull it off. Despite perfect conditions and seemingly fully prepared I missed my goal by...
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man taking a deep breath outside
Breath Work and Its Benefits
Breathwork, the practice of using controlled breathing techniques and patterns, has been an integral part...
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newborn baby in basket with blanket
What Can We Learn From Babies About Autonomic Mapping?
I was lucky enough to become a dad in 2012. I knew nothing about having...
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graphic of human lymphatic system
The Underappreciated Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system, often underappreciated, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and functionality...
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bowls of sugar
Sugar and the Sympathetically Dominant Body
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is composed of two primary branches: the sympathetic nervous system...
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