Looking for the results you want will take time. It is just the nature of the beast. It’s almost as if we were being tested to see if we REALLY want the results. There are times when days, weeks or months will go by with no change or sign that we are getting closer to reaching our goals. At that point even the most motivated person in the world would lose drive, focus or even question if the result is something that they really want or is worth continuing to pursue.

This will happen! So, what do you do? You need to create an automation feature to your life. Specifically, you need to automate some of the things that you need to do daily to keep you moving closer toward your goals.

Exercise is the easiest example. We know if we want to lose weight, the more frequent we are with our workouts the more calories we will burn. We know that if we lose 1-2lbs per week that we are doing very well. There will be times when we don’t lose any weight during a week (in fact, we may even gain weight some weeks). During these times many quit. They ask themselves “is this even worth it?


If you have been able to automate your workouts through the power of HABIT, then you will cruise past these difficult, life questioning times, and proceed. Eventually, you will start losing weight again. In fact, I have personally seen clients automate their workouts during these rough patches, come out on the other side where motivation lies and lose more than 1-2lbs per week. Some hit the weight loss jackpot after these rough patches and lose 5-10lbs in a week! *DISCLAIMER, results always vary.

This works not only for weight loss but for any goal you have.

The key is creating a HABIT. Habit is life’s automation. Habits take some time to develop and become automated, but when you feel motivated is when you need to go heavy on the frequency in order to create a habit.

Make the action items needed to achieve your goals an absolute necessity and prepare yourself for the moments of question. Finally, do not stop the activity no matter how hard the inter questioning may become. You will come out on the other side and achieve your goals.