tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Leaving it all on the Canvas | Episode 80
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
CBD, I Found One That Worked | Episode 78
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Never Go to Bed Angry | Episode 76
A recent webinar brought up some interesting questions about racing thoughts before bed. Racing thoughts are the minds way to strategize to avoid a threat also known as a sympathetic...
positive neutral negative feedback faces
The Science of Emotion
The Science of Emotion: Understanding the Link between Feelings and the Autonomic Nervous System The emotions we experience daily, from the exuberance of joy to the heaviness of sorrow, are...
hands with a heart and heartbeat
The Power of HRV: Decoding the Language of Your Autonomic Nervous System
The Power of HRV: Decoding the Language of Your Autonomic Nervous System Heart Rate Variability, commonly known as HRV, has become a buzzword in the wellness and biohacking communities. But...
overworked business woman at messy desk
Understanding Burnout: Signs, Prevention, and Recovery
Understanding Burnout: Signs, Prevention, and Recovery  Burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion. It's a complex issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their neurotype. In this...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Solving Anxiety & Depression Through the Body | Episode 59
Welcome to our latest episode, Using the Body to Conquer Anxiety & Depression. We often think of anxiety and depression as problems of the mind, but what if we've been...
tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Mental Training Zones | Episode 55
If you think Zone Heart Rate Training is the best way to build endurance (I think it is) then imagine using the same principles to build mental endurance... I grabbed...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Conditioned Compliance or Meeting the Body’s Needs | Episode 49
ABA is forced conditioned behavior compliance that uses, what they call "play", to correct what they call, "inappropriate behaviors". I truly believe all this does is condition the child to...
man standing on solar panels looking out on city
You’re Welcome. Signed – Your Future Self.
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This is a far-out concept so bear with me. It’s far-out simply because we see our world as natural cause and effect. If I do this, I’ll get that or...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Anti-Depressants, My Personal Fight | Episode 43
It typically takes me to get burnt twice before I learn not to touch a hot stove. In this episode I run through my personal journey of coming off anti...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Be OK With Discomfort | Episode 36
I'm a 100% pleasure seeker. I will literally build complex systems in order to make life more comfortable. The problem is, by avoiding discomfort I reject an opportunity for growth....
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Internal Discomfort and Your Reality | Episode 35
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A few scenarios popped up for me that lead me to believe that if I could just control how I am feeling then very few things would bother me. How...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Belief is the Code to Your Personal Algorithm | Episode 34
Never was lack of belief so apparent to the end results as this weekends tennis tournament. Victory could have been granted based on belief alone. But how do we believe...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
My Job Sucks….Good! | Episode 33
"My job sucks, I hate it, I hate doing what I'm doing, how awesome is this?!?" With this perspective you can make yourself invincible to discomfort. Find out how to...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Resilience and The Nervous System | Episode 27
How do you condition your body to make the behavioral changes that you're looking for? Knowing you want the change is a good start, but the nervous system needs to...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
6 Steps to Change | Episode 25
When you need to adopt a new daily activity in order to reach a goal or change a behavior it can be challenging. I found 6 Steps to Change done...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Do you have the threshold of a mouse? | Episode 19
Experiment from the 1950's proves we throw in the towel entirely too early, even in the most dire situations. Are hope and faith actually a useful tool to help us...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Vetting Your Own BS | Episode 9
Our nature is engrained with methods to lie to ourselves to resist change and discomfort. What if these lies we tell ourself is a form of self sabotage from reaching...
Get it out! | Episode 7
Keeping issues inside and not letting it out can cause internal stress and tension. Find ways to exhaust these internal stressors to alleviate issues.
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Be, Do, Have | Episode 5
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I was listening to this psychologists theory on the subconscious and it seemed to make a ton of sense. It had to do with an attitude that you carry with...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Offensive Minded Subconscious | Episode 3
I've recently started reading a book called Grow Rich with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. In my interpretation, the subconscious mind is responsible for everything that...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Dopamine Reward System | Episode 2
Dopamine is our master. Are you able to recognize how, when and where dopamine has full control over your actions? Take a quick trip with me as we explore the...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Inclusion | Episode 1
Champions of inclusion may have gotten this one wrong. In this episode we discuss the ways we can make inclusion work for all of us.
person standing on mountain top with arms outstretched
​Grateful vs Unsatisfied
I’m always looking for ways to hack the system of reality, hahaha! I can’t help it; I’m always looking to be able to replicate things that work and discard things...