tim edmunds bioresilience podcast
Those Blue Halloween Candy Buckets | Episode 68
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We don't need rules or labels for Trick or Treat we need inclusivity! Where the blue candy buckets have an understandable intent, it segregates those with developmental or neurological disabilities.
newborn baby in basket with blanket
What Can We Learn From Babies About Autonomic Mapping?
I was lucky enough to become a dad in 2012. I knew nothing about having or raising kids. All I thought I knew was that they were helpless, and you...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Conditioned Compliance or Meeting the Body’s Needs | Episode 49
ABA is forced conditioned behavior compliance that uses, what they call "play", to correct what they call, "inappropriate behaviors". I truly believe all this does is condition the child to...
bioresilience podcast tim edmunds
Observational Problem Solving | Episode 32
I listened to a really cool podcast by Jim Kwik the brain coach and his guest Anat Baniel. She works with Autistic children and coaches their parents on how to...