David Goggins Psoas… Resetting the System | Episode 42

I’m on another David Goggins kick. His content, story and delivery, to me is extremely motivational. Whenever I listen, I see all of the life I’m leaving on the table… Anyway, I was listening to him on and old Joe Rogan podcast episode #1080 and for a brief, probably overlooked minute, he talks about the time he learned about his Psoas.

If you’ve listened to any of my podcasts before you know the Psoas is a third of my holy muscle trinity (diaphragm and glutes being the other two). Goggins talks about experiencing chronic fatigue type systems that were a mystery to his doctors but through stretching and releasing his psoas he was able to overcome those systems.

Have a quick listen here as we unravel how someone can experience chronic fatigue symptoms and fix through the psoas.