A quick personal story. Over the past year I’ve been quite consistent with my workouts. Rarely missing a workout, hitting the gym 5-6 days per week, with the goal of weight loss and a leaner physique. I already know the proper workout to do…….I also know what I should be eating…… I went an entire year, not losing a single pound, in fact, I gained weight.

Then, in November, I decided that it was time to increase my workout load. I would do 30-45 minutes of cardio in the morning, followed by an hour of weights later in the day. 60 Days went by and I didn’t lose a single pound. The difference with that 60 days was, I was committed to changing my definition of success. I measured my success not on what appeared on the scale, but by the ability to complete a workout. Every workout completed was a success. Previously, if I didn’t lose a pound, I felt like a failure, now I was celebrating every day that I finished a workout.

Then, through the power of regular habits and a commitment to fitness, I was able to begin focusing on my diet. I did a 3-day cleanse and dropped 12lbs. From there I moved right into a caloric monitored meal program and lost another 5lbs over the course of 2 weeks bringing me to my desired weight.

We do not quite realize that we already possess all of the information we need. The two things we don’t do is;


    • Consistency – Making Exercise a Daily Habit
    • The Commitment to Changing What Is Considered Success

Had I tried to commit to the diet last year, it wouldn’t have happened. By opening up the habitual exercise and being successful with it routinely, it allowed for the moment of opportunity “the right time” for the diet to happen. It essentially took me 90 days to lose 17lbs in 2 weeks.

This philosophy can apply to losing weight, it can apply to earning a million dollars, it can also apply to finding and building relationships.


    • Establish Your Goal
    • Make a Commitment to Being Successful Daily (Define Success in the Activity not the Result)
    • Lock Into the Daily Habits Necessary to Achieve the Goal
    • Remain Open to Opportunities to Help Achieve the Goal
    • Success will Happen in Time, Immediately

I believe the best way to go after your goals is to NOT put a deadline or timetable to achieve them. Simply perform the required activities. Once a daily activity is complete, consider your goal achieved. Do this repeatedly knowing the reward is in hand. Days will go by and the goal will arrive instantly over time.