What Are You Waiting For?

I have been putting off launching this new, improved, total exercise, fitness and nutrition site for months. Seven months to be exact. SEVEN!! What was I waiting for you may ask? Well, I was waiting for a few things to happen first, THEN I was going to launch.

I needed commitments from a few vendors, I needed a studio gym, I needed our database built out, I needed more equipment, I needed the site to look perfect, I needed more content, etc, etc, etc.

I finally came to the conclusion that the conditions will never be perfect to launch, ANYTHING! I’m not unique. We all wait, put off or procrastinate for better conditions to start something. This is not the way to get ahead.

When inspiration strikes, you need to act immediately and without hesitation. I don’t mean you shouldn’t do the proper due diligence to get started but I also don’t mean getting hung up on the small details that prevent you from starting.

Conditions will never be 100% perfect to do anything. What I can tell you is that conditions do improve along the way. It’s almost like the red carpet gets rolled out just before you step on it. This is creating your own reality. You make things happen as oppose to waiting for things to happen.

Think about the things you’d like to start.

Start a workout routine, start a book, start a business, start a family, etc. Don’t wait for everything you need to get started. Get your bases covered then go! You’ll be amazed at the results and even more, surprised at how the conditions form to your benefit.