You’re Welcome. Signed – Your Future Self.

This is a far-out concept so bear with me. It’s far-out simply because we see our world as natural cause and effect. If I do this, I’ll get that or because I did this, I got that. It appears that the decisions of the past always (for better or for worse) effect how our present and future play out.

Well, what if I were to tell you that it didn’t work that way? What if I told you that it was the exact opposite? That our future dictates the decisions we make in the present moment. I mean, think about it, if your future self wanted to exist it would have to make specific decisions in the present moment for you to get to the point you are at today.

Sometimes our present state isn’t very pleasing and it’s hard to believe that your future self would want you to come to that point. I mean, why would you want to feel any pain if you had control over it? However, in most cases, especially for me, as soon as the stressful or uncomfortable situation passes the next phase seems to be pretty good. In fact, for me, most times I come out on the other side significantly better than when I went into it.

Could it be that my future self created scenarios, events and decisions that even though were challenging created a great place for me to be?

I don’t know if this is true or not however, in the illusion we live in, it’s just as true or untrue as your past dictating your present and future.

Try living with the belief that your future state is creating every scenario for you. Then believe that your future self only has your best interest in mind. See where that takes you.